Thursday, November 3, 2011

We’re JUMPING FOR JOY in June at Polfit!

We’re gearing up for summer and looking forward to seeing our patients that visit us when SCHOOL’S OUT! Polfit patients have been improving leaps and bounds and we can barely contain our excitement!
ZIA has been steadily improving and attending Polfit a little over 6 months. Initial improvements were some more independent movements, but she’s leaping ahead in her progress! Zia’s latest achievements include increases in grasping, arm strength, leg movements, head/ neck control and cognition. She’s even reportedly helping get herself dressed! Zia biggest improvement has been in her sitting balance and is making great progress towards sitting independently!
AIDEN began attending Polfit last month for the first time. Last week he rolled over by himself for the first time in his life!
MAISIE attended her 2nd intensive session at Polfit last month. At the end of the session Maisie stood alone on crutches for 3½ minutes!
JAMES restarted maintenance therapy at Polfit last month following surgery. After a few weeks he did his best walking to date at a speed of 3 mph for 40 minutes in the Spider!