Suit Therapy

Polfit uses the Therasuit® to provide Suit Therapy for qualified patents. Suit Therapy is an extremely effective method of providing elastic resistance to muscles and tendons while correcting biomechanics of the upper and lower extremities.

In the early 1970s, Russian cosmonauts used a specially designed suit to keep their muscles from atrophying while in space. The technique proved to be successful and the technology was adapted for use back on Earth. Today, the adapted suit is used to treat cerebral palsy and other related motor disorders. The ensemble includes a vest, shorts, kneepads, and shoes. The pieces are laced together with bungee-type cords which are adjustable to apply varying degrees of tension to different muscle groups. Increasing the tension in one area and not another gives muscles the strength and direction necessary to perform certain exercises otherwise impossible. The suit support also provides “resistance training” to the weaker muscle groups.
Repetitive, intensive exercises with these corrections enforce positive neuro-muscular re-education needs. The Therasuit® allows each individual to strengthen postural  muscles and aligns the body. Reestablishing the correct postural alignment plays a crucial role in normalizing muscle tone, sensory and vestibular function. When used in conjunction with various exercises, the central nervous system receives significant input on what it feels like to move, and move correctly.