Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fall 2012

Summer was a busy time at Polfit with old friends and new alike, visiting beautiful Southern California to attend therapy, work hard to achieve their goals and have some fun in the process. 
ABIGAILE began attending Polfit in the spring and quickly began to flourish! When her parents saw how she was progressing they decided to bring her to our therapy on a consistent basis and the results have been amazing! When she began last spring, Abigaile was walking with a walker, but needed assistance with that to maintain balance. She would often lean or fall backwards and someone always had to be present to help her. She also didn't have much stamina to walk very far. After months of intensive work Abigaile took 27 INDEPENDENT STEPS just this week! She can walk with 1 crutch without assistance when taking steps by herself she will strive to find balance on her own before reaching for help. Her strength has increased tremendously so that she can walk for longer periods of time. Abigaile continues to improve every session at Polfit!
SHAUN, a long-time friend of Polfit, attended 2 months of intensive therapy over the summer. When he arrived he stood against the wall for an evaluation and to be measured. His leg muscles were tight and weak, preventing him from standing up tall and for very long on his own. At the end of his session he was much looser and stronger. He could stand for longer periods of time on his own without feeling weak. Shaun once again stood against the wall for measurements and he had grown 2 inches in 2 months! It wasn't a growth spurt, but a muscle lengthening that allowed him to stand up TALL and STRAIGHT and led to improved walking too! We look forward to seeing how Shaun measures up next summer!
SCOTT began attending Polfit this last summer for the first time. Scott arrived with weak, tight muscles accompanied with little balance and coordination. He needed a tremendous amount of assistance to attempt a step on his own. His family was encouraged by the initial changes they saw as he began to work at Polfit and committed to bring him consistently over the summer and into the fall as well. Their commitment paid off! Scott is now taking steps completely on his own! Last week he walked 9 laps around the gym at Polfit with only occasional assistance for balance. His balance and coordination continues to improve and his family is overwhelmed by his progress.
ZACHARY makes a long trip to visit Polfit several times a year because he loves the gains he makes each time. Zachary isn't afraid of the hard work and explains why in his own words: "Every time I come back from Polfit I feel much stronger. They get me to do things I don't think I would have ever accomplished with regular therapy, such as walking with one crutch." 


These are just some of the great things that have been happening at Polfit. No matter what level of ability we continually see progress when patients attend our program. Come see what you can accomplish at Polfit today!
Call or email to schedule your FREE INDIVIDUAL ASSESSMENT:
(714)828-1293 or Contact@Polfit.com