Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fall 2012

Summer was a busy time at Polfit with old friends and new alike, visiting beautiful Southern California to attend therapy, work hard to achieve their goals and have some fun in the process. 
ABIGAILE began attending Polfit in the spring and quickly began to flourish! When her parents saw how she was progressing they decided to bring her to our therapy on a consistent basis and the results have been amazing! When she began last spring, Abigaile was walking with a walker, but needed assistance with that to maintain balance. She would often lean or fall backwards and someone always had to be present to help her. She also didn't have much stamina to walk very far. After months of intensive work Abigaile took 27 INDEPENDENT STEPS just this week! She can walk with 1 crutch without assistance when taking steps by herself she will strive to find balance on her own before reaching for help. Her strength has increased tremendously so that she can walk for longer periods of time. Abigaile continues to improve every session at Polfit!
SHAUN, a long-time friend of Polfit, attended 2 months of intensive therapy over the summer. When he arrived he stood against the wall for an evaluation and to be measured. His leg muscles were tight and weak, preventing him from standing up tall and for very long on his own. At the end of his session he was much looser and stronger. He could stand for longer periods of time on his own without feeling weak. Shaun once again stood against the wall for measurements and he had grown 2 inches in 2 months! It wasn't a growth spurt, but a muscle lengthening that allowed him to stand up TALL and STRAIGHT and led to improved walking too! We look forward to seeing how Shaun measures up next summer!
SCOTT began attending Polfit this last summer for the first time. Scott arrived with weak, tight muscles accompanied with little balance and coordination. He needed a tremendous amount of assistance to attempt a step on his own. His family was encouraged by the initial changes they saw as he began to work at Polfit and committed to bring him consistently over the summer and into the fall as well. Their commitment paid off! Scott is now taking steps completely on his own! Last week he walked 9 laps around the gym at Polfit with only occasional assistance for balance. His balance and coordination continues to improve and his family is overwhelmed by his progress.
ZACHARY makes a long trip to visit Polfit several times a year because he loves the gains he makes each time. Zachary isn't afraid of the hard work and explains why in his own words: "Every time I come back from Polfit I feel much stronger. They get me to do things I don't think I would have ever accomplished with regular therapy, such as walking with one crutch." 


These are just some of the great things that have been happening at Polfit. No matter what level of ability we continually see progress when patients attend our program. Come see what you can accomplish at Polfit today!
Call or email to schedule your FREE INDIVIDUAL ASSESSMENT:
(714)828-1293 or Contact@Polfit.com

Thursday, November 3, 2011

We’re JUMPING FOR JOY in June at Polfit!

We’re gearing up for summer and looking forward to seeing our patients that visit us when SCHOOL’S OUT! Polfit patients have been improving leaps and bounds and we can barely contain our excitement!
ZIA has been steadily improving and attending Polfit a little over 6 months. Initial improvements were some more independent movements, but she’s leaping ahead in her progress! Zia’s latest achievements include increases in grasping, arm strength, leg movements, head/ neck control and cognition. She’s even reportedly helping get herself dressed! Zia biggest improvement has been in her sitting balance and is making great progress towards sitting independently!
AIDEN began attending Polfit last month for the first time. Last week he rolled over by himself for the first time in his life!
MAISIE attended her 2nd intensive session at Polfit last month. At the end of the session Maisie stood alone on crutches for 3½ minutes!
JAMES restarted maintenance therapy at Polfit last month following surgery. After a few weeks he did his best walking to date at a speed of 3 mph for 40 minutes in the Spider!


Monday, May 16, 2011

Marvelous May at Polfit!

It’s a Marvelous May at Polfit!

The Polfit team had a marvelous time at the L.A. Abilities Expo making lots of new friends and getting the chance to introduce our program to them. Meanwhile, our friends already attending Polfit were having wonderful moments of their own!
JACK has been steadily improving and attending Polfit a few months each year. We reported back in January that Jack stood alone with his crutches for up to 1 minute. On the last day of his most recent intensive session, Jack took 2 independent steps with crutches!
SAM ran for the first time in his life in the “Spider” at Polfit last month. This month, Sam is taking side-steps in the parallel bars independently, only holding on with one arm!


If you’ve never been to Polfit, call and schedule your

Polfit will be closed Monday, May 30th in honor of Memorial Day. We salute our veterans!

Hoppy Days at Polfit!

Hoppy Days Are  Here Again at Polfit!

While on the hunt for eggs, we also discovered some incredible achievements taking place at POLFIT!
SAM has been attending Polfit on a regular basis for years. A little over 10 years ago Sam’s mobility was limited to crawling. He has steadily improved over time and last month hit a HUGE MILESTONE… SAM RAN FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HIS LIFE! With minimum assistance in the Spider, Sam ran on the treadmill as his teary-eyed mom looked on. It was a moment none of us here at Polfit – and most of all, Sam – will never forget!
JERRY has been doing well in many areas lately. The Polfit team often notices that cognitive improvements seem to accompany physical gains. Jerry has been taking so many steps on the treadmill that the therapists stopped counting his progress in steps, but now count it in time! Jerry’s speech has also improved tremendously and he has become more helpful in his rehabilitation process. 
ZIA celebrated her 3rd birthday at Polfit last month! She has been tolerating her workouts better and better and can often be heard squealing with laughter when bouncing on a ball. She began pushing herself up to a stand in the Spider last week as well.
If you’ve never been to Polfit, call and schedule your

Remember to come visit us at the
LA Abilities Expo April 15-17!
We will be at booth 513 – we’d love for you to stop by!
Please see message below for more details
Happy Easter from POLFIT!!!

Lucky Times at Polfit!


We’re celebrating our patient’s GOOD LUCK this month at Polfit:
 LUCI’S family travelled to Polfit all the way from Argentina last month. During her time with us her strength and stamina greatly increased. She worked up to 30 minutes on the treadmill in the spider without breaks. By the end of the month she was running on the treadmill! Since returning home, her family reports she is doing “AMAZINGLY WELL” and bending her knee in a way they’ve never seen before!
MAISIE visited Polfit for the first time this month. When she arrived she was able to hold herself up independently on crutches for 20 seconds. After 3 weeks that time has increased to over 3 minutes! She also has less spasticity and is demonstrating improved stepping on the treadmill during Spider therapy. She has a wider gait and more purposeful steps.
CHARLES has been working hard for years, but came to Polfit for the first time for a week trial of the therapy. In that short time he went from needing full assistance to walk with a walker to being able to do so completely on his own. He loved working at Polfit and will be returning soon to see what milestone he can reach next.

If you’ve never been to Polfit, call and schedule your
Happy St. Patty’s Day from POLFIT!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fabulous February at Polfit!



MC900434721[1]Same address…New Style! Check it out, look for new info, suggest it to friends, maybe even find your picture!    www.Polfit.com
Love is in the air and we’re loving our patients’ latest achievements:

BRANDON’S been taking forward steps on the treadmill for a little while at Polfit, but this month he conquered side-stepping as well!

ZIA began attending Polfit for the first time last month. Just since her first session she’s been moving her legs, arms and hands on her own much more. Zia used to stay very still most of the time, but her family reports she’s kicking her legs, lifting herself into bridge positions and bending her previously very tight arms. Zia has shown great potential and is continuing with maintenance – plan on hearing much more about her achievements soon!

AADEL has been working with the Polfit team for years. He’s worked very hard on his tough road to recovery and continues to improve each time he comes. Fighting against muscle tone has been difficult to overcome for Aadel and he struggled to bend his legs at all. Last week he took 41 steps on the treadmill in Spider Therapy – bending his legs with each stride. Mom reports more isolated movements and improvements in sitting, alignment, circulation, and cognition. Aadel’s family loves bringing him to Polfit because they feel the little steps he makes each time add up to a much better quality of life for him overall!

If you’ve never been to Polfit, call and schedule your
Happy Valentine’s Day from POLFIT!!!

Polfit Team
Phone (714)828-1293
Fax (714)527-7354