Monday, May 16, 2011

Hoppy Days at Polfit!

Hoppy Days Are  Here Again at Polfit!

While on the hunt for eggs, we also discovered some incredible achievements taking place at POLFIT!
SAM has been attending Polfit on a regular basis for years. A little over 10 years ago Sam’s mobility was limited to crawling. He has steadily improved over time and last month hit a HUGE MILESTONE… SAM RAN FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HIS LIFE! With minimum assistance in the Spider, Sam ran on the treadmill as his teary-eyed mom looked on. It was a moment none of us here at Polfit – and most of all, Sam – will never forget!
JERRY has been doing well in many areas lately. The Polfit team often notices that cognitive improvements seem to accompany physical gains. Jerry has been taking so many steps on the treadmill that the therapists stopped counting his progress in steps, but now count it in time! Jerry’s speech has also improved tremendously and he has become more helpful in his rehabilitation process. 
ZIA celebrated her 3rd birthday at Polfit last month! She has been tolerating her workouts better and better and can often be heard squealing with laughter when bouncing on a ball. She began pushing herself up to a stand in the Spider last week as well.
If you’ve never been to Polfit, call and schedule your

Remember to come visit us at the
LA Abilities Expo April 15-17!
We will be at booth 513 – we’d love for you to stop by!
Please see message below for more details
Happy Easter from POLFIT!!!

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